Last Night is a cult Canadian film made in 1998 that recently received a belated DVD release. Directed by, written by, and starring Canuck crazy-face Don McKellar, Last Night follows several Toronto natives as they prepare for the end of the world. It’s a surprisingly funny and uplifting low budget film featuring a who’s who of Canadian character actors, including Sandra Oh, Callum Keith Rennie and even David Cronenburg. Definitely one of the best films I’ve seen this year.
Mad Max 2 should need no introduction but I’m going to give it one anyway. Mad Mel stars as the post-apocalyptic saviour and leather-clad badass in possibly the greatest action movie of all-time. Commando favourite Vernon Wells does his bit as a hideously kinky savage who’d rather like to see our hard-bitten hero get deaded, while some of the most memorable supporting mutant bastards ever seen provide evil support! And if that isn’t enough for you, Mad Max 2 features the best chase scene of all-time - often imitated but never improved.